Exoneree Bob Fenenbock enjoys a drink with his daughter Shanea Tucker after his release from prison on August 23, 2019.
Exoneree Bob Fenenbock with members of his legal team. From left: Morrison & Foerster Partners James Bennett and George Harris, Bob Fenenbock, and NCIP Attorney Paige Kaneb.
Exoneree Bob Fenenbock with his daughter and legal team after his release from prison on August 23, 2019. From left: NCIP Attorney Melissa O’Connell, NCIP Clinic Student Lauryn Bruton-Barbosa,
daughter Shanea Tucker, Bob Fenenbock, NCIP Intake Attorney Aaron Aguas-Rao, NCIP Attorney Paige Kaneb, and NCIP Executive Director Linda Starr.
Exoneree Jack Sagin enjoys his first meal as a free man on October 11, 2020.
Exoneree Jack Sagin with his legal team after his release from prison on October 11, 2020. From left: NCIP Executive Director and Co-Founder Linda Starr, Shearman & Sterling Attorney Emily
Griffen, NCIP Attorney Kelley Fleming, Jack Sagin, NCIP Attorney Melissa O’Connell, NCIP Co-Founder Cookie Ridolfi.
Exoneree Jack Sagin after his release from prison on October 11, 2020.
Exoneree Karla Baday and her sister Carmen Huitzil visit the NCIP office on October 29, 2019. From left: Karla’s sister Carmen Huitzil, NCIP Executive Director Linda Starr, Karla Baday, NCIP
Volunteer Attorney Catherine Boyle, and NCIP Clinic Student Jose Gonzalez
Exoneree Karla Baday and her legal team celebrate at a reception held by pro bono partner Duane Morris LLP on October 30, 2019.
Exoneree Karla Baday (middle) with NCIP Volunteer Attorney Catherine Boyle (left) and NCIP Executive Director (right) after her release from custody on June 4, 2019.
Exoneree Lionel Rubalcava (right) is embraced by his brother Rolando Rubalcava (left) after his release from prison on May 15, 2019. Creator: Karl Mondon | Credit: Bay Area News Group
Copyright: Bay Area News Group
Exoneree Lionel Rubalcava greets his family with hugs after his release from prison on May 15, 2019.
Exoneree Lionel Rubalcava with members of his legal team on November 18, 2019, after the court declared him factually innocent. From left: Santa Clara County Deputy Public Defender Daniel
Portman, NCIP Attorney Paige Kaneb, Lionel Rubalcava, and Santa Clara County Assistant District Attorney David Angel.
Exoneree Ricky Davis and NCIP Attorney Melissa O’Connell at his release from prison on February 13, 2020.
Exoneree Ricky Davis enjoys his first dessert as a free man with his family, NCIP Staff, and NCIP students on February 13, 2020.
Exoneree Ricky Davis with members of his legal team on February 13, 2020. From left: Attorney Melissa van der Vijver, Ricky Davis, NCIP Clinic Student Christina Santora, and NCIP Attorney
Melissa O’Connell.
Exoneree Jeremy Puckett after his release from prison on March 13, 2020.
Exoneree Jeremy Puckett and NCIP Volunteer Attorney Karyn Sinunu-Towery after his release from prison on March 13, 2020.
Exoneree Jeremy Puckett embraces his sister Charon Knox at a post-release family celebration.
NCIP client Arturo Jimenez works at a COVID-19 food bank on April 15, 2020 in Los Angeles less than a week after he was released from prison.
NCIP’s clinical students for the 2019-2020 academic year.
NCIP staff and exonerees visit with Dr. Joseph Marshall and Street Soldiers Radio at the KMEL 106.1 studio on December 8, 2019.
NCIP staff and students wait outside the courtroom in Placerville, CA, for the court to declare exoneree Ricky Davis actually innocent on February 13, 2020.
Exoneree Bob Fenenbock (middle) with NCIP Clinic Students Lauryn Bruton-Barbosa (left) and Katherine Blake (right).
Exonerees enjoying one another's company at the closing celebration of NCIP’s Exoneree Summit at Santa Clara University on August 15, 2019.
Exoneree Karla Baday and NCIP Executive Director Linda Starr at a celebration of Karla’s freedom on October 29, 2019.
Exoneree Jack Sagin visits the NCIP office and shares a laugh with NCIP Volunteer Attorney Catherine Boyle on February 4, 2020.
NCIP staff and students educate the community about NCIP’s work on International Wrongful Conviction Day on October 2, 2019. From left: NCIP Associate Director Todd Fries, and NCIP Clinic
Students Michael Romero, Christina Santora, and Ruby Palomares.
Exoneree Bob Fenebock (fourth from left) visits with NCIP staff and clinic students at the NCIP office on September 5, 2019.
Exoneree Maurice Caldwell (left) and NCIP Attorney Paige Kaneb remain strong outside the California Victim Compensation Board building on October 17, 2019, after the Board denied Maurice
compensation for the 20 years he spent wrongfully incarcerated.
The NCIP clinic class waves goodbye via Zoom to an amazing 2019-2020 academic year.
NCIP educates key stakeholders about the causes and consequences of wrongful conviction. Through the NCIP law clinic, training and symposia, and speaking engagements, we raise awareness about
wrongful conviction and improve the accuracy of the criminal justice system.
We recognize that the criminal justice system makes mistakes; we work with other system stakeholders to rectify mistakes that have happened and to prevent future mistakes.