Todd Fries


Todd Fries is the Executive Director at the Northern California Innocence Project. Fries is responsible for professional operations and management and oversees NCIP’s data collection and research efforts. He is the author of the groundbreaking study Blind Acceptance: A Closer Look at Eyewitness identification Policies in California. Fries began working for the Northern California Innocence Project in 2007 as a clinical law student and returned to NCIP in 2010 as a research fellow as part of the law school’s post-graduate fellowship program.

Prior to working at NCIP, he worked as an Employment Litigation Associate at Paul Hastings LLP in Palo Alto and as a volunteer attorney at the Santa Clara County Superior Court Family Law Self-Help Center. Fries graduated cum laude from Santa Clara University School of Law with a certificate in Public Interest and Social Justice.

Blind Acceptance: A Closer Look at Eyewitness identification Policies in California
Material Indifference: How Courts are Impeding Fair Disclosure in Criminal Cases

J.D., cum laude, Santa Clara University School of Law
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles

Contact Information:

Charney Hall 108
[email protected]
(408) 551-3251

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