NCIP’s clinical program is one of the top programs in the nation. Nearly 800 Santa Clara Law students have graduated from NCIP since 2001. Supervised by experienced attorneys, NCIP clinic students evaluate innocence claims by reviewing case histories, appellate briefs, transcripts, and other records. They participate directly in the case investigation process by interviewing prisoners, witnesses, crime lab personnel, law enforcement, defense attorneys, and prosecutors. As part of their case work, NCIP students draft legal documents including motions, declarations, and briefs, and attend and participate in court proceedings.

Listen to former NCIP clinic students Miriam Contreras ’22 and Dennis Guzman ’22 discuss with Executive Director Todd Fries what their expectations
were in the beginning of taking the NCIP clinic in Part 1 and what their experience has been like towards the end of the NCIP clinic in Part 2.
Part 1
Part 2